On Sat, Aug 10, 2013 at 01:44:45 +0200,
Andras Simon <sza...@gmail.com> wrote:
2013/8/10, আনন্দ কুমার সমাদ্দার <asamad...@myopera.com>:
Yes, I'd just use noscript. It gives you much finer grained control
than a simple manual on/off option any way.
Last time I tried it, I concluded that manual on/off was much better
for me. But that was years ago, noscript may have improved, and I
don't seem to have a choice anyway...
You can use about:config to control this, although it's significantly
less convenient. You could switch to using seamonkey, which is similar,
but lets you control more stuff through preferences. I have heard mentions
of other extensions for turning javascript on and off easily.
Note also that they have also removed the ability to disable loading of
images. As far as I know you can't even do this with about:config.
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