2013/8/10, T.C. Hollingsworth <tchollingswo...@gmail.com>:
> On Friday, August 9, 2013, Andras Simon <sza...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> 2013/8/10, T.C. Hollingsworth <tchollingswo...@gmail.com>:
>>> Yeah, just use NoScript.  They probably killed it because that's what
>>> anyone who used that checkbox really wants.
>> I'm not sure I do. But thanks for the suggestion anyway!
> Well, in addition to the per-site configuration it's famous for, it also
> has a turn on just for this site right now mode, so you can temporarily
> turn it on when you need it and just close the tab when you're done,
> without having to go into about:config to turn it off.  That also means you
> can turn it on for one tab without affecting others.
> So you still might. ;-)

"turn on just for this site right now mode"?  Sounds great!
You're right, I very well might :-)



> -T.C.
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