first: if the Fedora community *would* be really that hypocritical like Tim and Thomas to name the both most aggressive ones and their few the same way embittered acting friends *please unsubscribe me* because i do *not* want to be member of a "community" where only political correctness is the holy grail and nothing else
i live in a free world where humans are not get censored, sometimes can say honest and not perfectly polite words followed by drink a beer together and keep friends respecting each other at the end of the day *because* and not despite of that and the embittered ones have no place in my neighborhood hence i perfer persons saying i am an idiot into my face (because sometimes that is true as for anybody else) instead think the same while making a friendly face because this sort of people don't act sneaky at your back, the others most likely do sooner or later and you won't notice Am 19.07.2013 19:48, schrieb Tim: > Allegedly, on or about 18 July 2013, Timothy Murphy sent: >> Surely it is the easiest thing in the world not to read his postings, >> if they offend you. > > You need to see the bigger picture it would be a good idea if you follow your recommendations > As we all stand idly by and watch someone harass someone else, you > endorse the victimisation. and *what are you doing* the whole time to me? look in the mirror to see your own hypocritical attitude i never harassed anybody without a quote explaining the reason, maybe not always perfectly understandable for anybody, but *never* the cocky way you are doing if have a personal problem i do not need incite a community because me is too proud for such shabby attitude > As you all stand by and endorse the perpetrator while they victimise me, > you piss me off as well oh - "anybody which is not Harsld's enemy is yours" exciting attitude - i doubt it makes you to a better person the really interesting point is that *you permanently* attack me on a personal level in the third person and *only* personally as well as the guy yesterday while made a few posts at all over months, most of them trolling, spreading FUD and attacking me more than i *ever* did it (well, i think there is no reason to repeat the list again) what let you think that you are in any case a better person then me? what let you think that this list needs people who demand from others what they self are unwilling to do? how many answers with knowledge and working config examples from business production systems did you post the last years? how long does it take until you respond with a answer and solution? how many bugreports did you make the last years? how often did you test apckages and gave karma? how often did you test kernel builds on your daywork-machines? how much time did you spend the last years in reproduce bugs? how many time did you spend the last years to solve problems? hint: if would really be the asshole you think i would not need to post anything and help others because the ratio seeking and giving answers in my case is 1:1000 over years in my excpierience people which have nothing better to do than preach what others have to do are not doing much else substantial
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