may i ask you why you ignored my reply showing what kind of guy
you are below? the web does not forget and i do not try
to hide my mistakes - honesty could someone call it which
is more important than your hypocrisy while you juddge me
Am 18.07.2013 21:52, schrieb Thomas Dineen:
>  Think about how his behiaviour reflects on the effort of the entire Fedora 
> community?
>   Is he encouraging participation by other experts? Maybe not!
>   Is he encouraging participation by new comers? Maybe not!
>   Do his comments attract new users? Maybe not!

Am 18.07.2013 20:59, schrieb Reindl Harald:>
Am 18.07.2013 20:16, schrieb Thomas Dineen:
>> I highly disagree here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
> and the "!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" gives you more voice?
>> I regard Harald as an annoyance and liability!
> your opinion, there exists a dirty quote about opinions
>> He has been extremely in polite on this reflector in the past, many, many
>> times, personally calling me and others names on multiple occasions
> the last i replied *to you* in 2013 was in 2013/01 as you insisted to
> recommend Fedora 14 *for others* which is unacceptable these days
> for security reasons instead recommend CentOS or whatever LTS
> fine that i have a good archive back to 2003 - after the thread below i
> would be careful how to argue - i have replied to you exaectly 5 times,
> 3 of them in the thread below and don't get me wrong but in that case
> well-deserved and after your quotes below who do you think you are
> that you judge others?
>>> -------- Original-Nachricht --------
>>> Betreff:    Re: F-18/64 Install Methods -
>>> Datum:      Tue, 15 Jan 2013 11:18:34 -0800
>>> Von:        Thomas Dineen <>
>>> An:
>>> Oh little boy, why don't you go fix your bugs? If you are capable of it????
>>> Thomas Dineen
>>> On 1/15/2013 11:06 AM, Thomas Dineen wrote:
>>>> I am a citizen of a free society I can suggest anything that I like!
>>>> Take a break, learn to speak English, learn to express yourself in
>>>> civil manor, stop calling people names!!!!
>>>> AND THEN FUCK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>> Thomas Dineen

> On 7/18/2013 12:41 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
>> Thomas Dineen wrote:
>>>         I highly disagree here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>>>         I regard Harald as an annoyance and liability!
>> ...
>>>         If I were moderator I would have unsubscribed him by now
>>> (To reduce the health care cost (Headaches) of everyone involved.
>> Surely it is the easiest thing in the world not to read his postings,
>> if they offend you.

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