On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 02:13:28PM -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:
> On 07/17/2013 01:02 PM, Fred Smith issued this missive:
> >On Wed, Jul 17, 2013 at 11:14:19AM -0700, Rick Stevens wrote:
> >>On 07/17/2013 11:02 AM, Fred Smith issued this missive:
> >>>Hi all!
> >>>
> >>>I'm really stumped here. I've got F17 on one netbook and with it am able
> >>>to view apple movie trailers using Firefox.
> >>>
> >>>On the OTHER netbook, now with F19, I have, AFAIK, all the same browser
> >>>plugins and underlying packages installed, but the videos won't play.
> >>>when clicking any of the options to start playing, a black window for
> >>>the video opens, and the player's controls are drawn at the bottom, and
> >>>that's as far as it goes. clicking the play button (it starts paused,
> >>>apparently) makes no difference.
> >>>
> >>>I can provide a list of browser plugins (it's not on the computer
> >>>I'm using ATM) and anything else you want to see, just let me know.
> >>
> >>Check your codecs ("yum list gstreamer-plugins*" and "yum list
> >>gstreamer1-plugins*"). Odds are that you are missing one of the codecs
> >>that the plugin needs to render it.
> >>
> >>Most Apple stuff is h.264 with AAC audio.
> >
> >Good hint, Rick. too bad I've already got all the gstreamer stuff installed:
> >
> >[root@aspirebox ~]# yum list installed | grep -y gstreamer
> >PackageKit-gstreamer-plugin.i686    0.8.9-6.fc19                       
> >@anaconda
> >gstreamer.i686                      0.10.36-3.fc19                     
> >@anaconda
> >gstreamer-plugins-bad-free.i686     0.10.23-17.fc19                    
> >@anaconda
> >gstreamer-plugins-base.i686         0.10.36-4.fc19                     
> >@anaconda
> >gstreamer-plugins-espeak.i686       0.4.0-2.fc19                       
> >@anaconda
> >gstreamer-plugins-good.i686         0.10.31-9.fc19                     
> >@anaconda
> >gstreamer-tools.i686                0.10.36-3.fc19                     
> >@anaconda
> >gstreamer1.i686                     1.0.8-1.fc19                       
> >@updates
> >gstreamer1-plugins-bad-free.i686    1.0.8-1.fc19                       
> >@updates
> >gstreamer1-plugins-base.i686        1.0.8-1.fc19                       
> >@updates
> >gstreamer1-plugins-good.i686        1.0.8-1.fc19                       
> >@updates
> >[root@aspirebox ~]# yum list availiable | grep -y gstreamer
> >Error: No matching Packages to list
> >[root@aspirebox ~]#
> >
> >I also installed libquicktime and it brought in a dozen or more of
> >various dependencies. didn't help any.
> I don't see gstreamer-plugins-ugly in there (it contains libgstx264.so,
> part of the h.264 stuff). I don't have an F19 box handy (just F17 and
> F18 at this point), so perhaps they don't have it anymore, but that may
> have an effect.

Right, I noticed it isn't there, but don't know why. I'll have to
check around.
> >sometimes I think Apple is going out of their way to make sure Linux
> >users can't access that site,... they keep changing it so that the then-
> >current work-arounds no longer work around. this is far from the first
> >time. Up until recently I could view them just fine on my Centos
> >desktop, though it took some messing with Firefox plugins (to fake the
> >user agent) for it to work. but even after they broke that, it still
> >worked on my F17 netbook (without, in fact, the user agent fakery--go
> >figure!). in fact it still does, but I've got a new(er) one with F19
> >that I'd sure like to be able to use, too.
> <soap>
> I've never been fond of the whole iTunes/iOS situation. You can only
> get programs or content they've "approved", so they're the big censors

True. that's why I don't/won't buy anything Apple, either. I just
happen to like being able to see trailers for upcoming movies, is all.

> now. They have become exactly what they used to rail against in their
> ads (remember their first TV ad with the woman throwing a sledgehammer
> at the "Big Brother" screen?) I have a Macbook Air--under protest and
> only because a lot of stuff we do is Apple-related. I fire it up about
> as often as I fire up a Windows machine (perhaps twice a month).
> I have an Android phone because I'm rather anti-Apple, but I don't like
> Google looking up my skirt as much as they do. I absolutely refuse to
> get on any of these stupid social media sites. I have a Facebook page,
> but only because my cousin is techno-challenged and hasn't been able to
> figure out how to send me pictures of her kids via email so she does it
> through that. Argh!

gee, that's a tough one. I mean, how could you expect her to find
the "attach file" button in her mailer? How unreasonable! :) :)

> </soap>

 .----    Fred Smith   /              
( /__  ,__.   __   __ /  __   : /     
 /    /  /   /__) /  /  /__) .+'           Home: fre...@fcshome.stoneham.ma.us 
/    /  (__ (___ (__(_ (___ / :__                                 781-438-5471 
-------------------------------- Jude 1:24,25 ---------------------------------
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