Hi Chris,

[As I changed the subject, let me clear: IPv6 still compiled in the kernel. Just the network interfaces configs that should come with IPv6 disabled by default, if the user wants it should be easy to enable]

Once upon a time, Fernando Lozano <ferna...@lozano.eti.br> said:
IPv6 has alot of "under the carpet" issues because vendors fear too
much discussion about this will delay large-scale use even more.
Again: citation needed.  Without any actual issues sited, you are just
spreading FUD.
Works both ways. You can't claim I'm just spreading FUD withou evidence to corroborate your claim.

Anyway I've alread sent to the list evidence that the IPv6 security issues are real. As for "vendors fear too much discussion" it's really my personal interpretation of their silence, fell free to disagree. But please don't deny anymore there are IPv6 security issues, this is a hard fact.

I propose we let the billion dollars companies do the hard work, but
at the same protect SMBs from IPv6. The Fedora Project could do
their part by disabling IPv6 by default.
Again, you are years too late.  Fedora would be greatly regressing (and
falling far behind mainstream OSes) by disabling IPv6.
Fedora should take the lead and be more responsible to their users. It would be an improvement, not a regression.

Please see my message providing links about IPv6 security threats,
including recent slides (this year!) from IETF members. I do my
homework before making statements on the net.
I took a look at a couple, but just saw more FUD and stopped.
Fell free to ignore reallity when it doesn't agree with your personal opinion. But be warned reallity will hurt you anyway.

Or will you tell me that IETF people don't know what they are talking about? See for example:


Papers from them, and even very recent RFCs on the security issues, can be foud if you take the time to follow my links and the links contained in them.

[]s, Fernando Lozano

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