On Thu, Jul 11, 2013 at 9:02 AM, David <dgbo...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> Paul Fields.
> After many, to many, days of this drivel would you please make this go away?

Yes. Let's please consider this thread closed. It's no longer serving
any useful purpose for offering assistance to Fedora users. The
moderators have heard people speaking for and against Harald's
moderation. In the course of that conversation it's clear Harald is
not the only person who has trouble being excellent to other people
sometimes. Let's all take some time to breathe and refocus on helping
other Fedora users.

I apologize personally for not catching up to this thread sooner.
Unfortunately, other events have taken priority recently, some of
which are referred to elsewhere in this list. If you are wondering how
you can make things better, start by doing this when you post: Assume
good intentions on the part of the other person, and be silently
forgiving if you feel slighted in some way. I think if everyone could
practice at least those things, the list could get a lot better very
quickly. And to be fair, in general it's usually full of good material
that outweighs the bad. But we can always improve.

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