Second the motion to unsubscribe him!!!!!!!!!

On 7/11/2013 5:16 AM, Tim wrote:
I'll go even further.  Since he's shown no evidence of stopping doing
it, unsubscribe him.  We're all better off without it.

Timothy Murphy:
You are definitely wrong there.
I for one would not be better off.
since I have had several bits of helpful advice from Reindl,
Which, could just have easily come from some other knowledgeable person.
Or have come from him without the attitude.

There is nothing special about him.

I've also received several bits of helpful advice from yourself,
served up as one would expect from an Englishman(?).
Australian, actually.

As I've said, and others, it's up to him to moderate his own behaviour.
If he's unable to do so, after all this time, after all those warnings,
after being moderated, there comes a time to be more enforcing.

Quite frankly, he reminds me of dealing with teenage boys with
Asperger's.  Though, I have to say that most of them manage to be
stubborn without the rotten attitude, too.

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