On 07/08/2013 09:23 PM, Frank McCormick wrote:
> On 07/08/2013 09:09 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
>> On Mon, 8 Jul 2013 20:55:06 -0400
>> Fred Smith wrote:
>>> I don't understand,.. I had no trouble installing F19 on a system where
>>> I did NOT want to wipe out all the partitions, just some of them...
>> How did you get past the screen that only lets you pick a whole disk
>> drive then, as the only possible option after that, click "Done"?
>> (Or, as I did the first time I saw it, push the reset button :-).
>> No power on earth could get me to click "Done" under those circumstances
>> when installing on a system that contains data I want to preserve.
>> Only after trying the install on a totally trashable test system
>> did I find that "Done" actually means, "OK, now you get to pick
>> partitions."
>> I don't have enough trust available to believe that they surely
>> won't actually wipe out the whole disk (especially when every
>> other part of the redesign has been to reduce or eliminate options).
>     I thought I was the only one who didn't trust the installer :)
>     Took me 3 tries before I finally figured out how to get Fedora 19 
> onto a HD
> with two clean existing partitions which had been pre-formatted with ext4.
> For 10 minutes I lived in fear the installer was going to wipe the disk 
> clean and
> destroy Windows 7 (my wife would have killed me!) . I am retired and 
> have been around Linux in various
> incarnations for close to 15 years.Sorry but it is not user friendly.  
> But I still love Fedora :)
I just installed Korora 19 the other day. It must use the same
installer, and I went thru the same sort of problems. I had originally
created and formatted a / and a /home partition, but I had a devil of a
time getting the installer to let me direct the system to these.
Whoever is responsible for this installer should be tied in front
of a Windows machine for the next 6 months or so as punishment!


Blessed are the peacemakers..for they shall be shot at from both sides.
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