On 07/08/2013 09:09 PM, Tom Horsley wrote:
On Mon, 8 Jul 2013 20:55:06 -0400
Fred Smith wrote:

I don't understand,.. I had no trouble installing F19 on a system where
I did NOT want to wipe out all the partitions, just some of them...
How did you get past the screen that only lets you pick a whole disk
drive then, as the only possible option after that, click "Done"?
(Or, as I did the first time I saw it, push the reset button :-).

No power on earth could get me to click "Done" under those circumstances
when installing on a system that contains data I want to preserve.
Only after trying the install on a totally trashable test system
did I find that "Done" actually means, "OK, now you get to pick

I don't have enough trust available to believe that they surely
won't actually wipe out the whole disk (especially when every
other part of the redesign has been to reduce or eliminate options).

   I thought I was the only one who didn't trust the installer :)

Took me 3 tries before I finally figured out how to get Fedora 19 onto a HD
with two clean existing partitions which had been pre-formatted with ext4.
For 10 minutes I lived in fear the installer was going to wipe the disk clean and destroy Windows 7 (my wife would have killed me!) . I am retired and have been around Linux in various incarnations for close to 15 years.Sorry but it is not user friendly. But I still love Fedora :)


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