>> Read the book, it's much more comprehensive than the film (which was
>> shortened, significantly).  There's a lot more to that part of the plot
>> than the film conveys.

Joe Zeff:
> ROTFLMAO!  The film was based on a short story, *The Sentinal,* By 
> Arthur C. Clark,

I know, and there's several quite similar stories.  Like a lot of
authors, he seemed to do several variations on a theme.

> who later wrote a novel *based on* the film. 

Supposedly, the film and the novel were worked on concurrently.

> Naturally, in that novelization, he had room to add considerable 
> back-story and detail that wasn't in the film.

Supposedly, the first cut of the film was many hours long.

It's one of my favourites, but I have to be in a fairly lethargic mood
to sit still and watch it uninterrupted.

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