I apologize for not more closely following this thread; if this has already
been suggested, please just take it as reinforcement.

Once, long ago--actually, on Fri, Jun 21, 2013 at 05:09:09PM CDT--jdow 
(j...@earthlink.net) said:
> Paul, when disks start throwing that error it's typically "months"
> or less before it does something unfriendly like failing to spin up.

Or less.  Remember--when it's out of sectors for remapping, it's near the end.

> Put a replacement drive high on your list of things to do.

Not only that--given that disks are (relatively) cheap, and data is
expensive, this would be the time to consider putting in at least a RAID1
array.  Life gets a lot less hectic when a disk failure is only one in an

I just went through this--a mdadm RAID5 with three disks, and one of my
disks finally failed.  It was just a matter of getting another disk at
the best price, while the server limped along on two drives.  And limping
is only relative--there was no appreciable degradation in performance.

Replacing the disk took about a half-hour, and most of that was physical
remove/replace effort.  Told it about the new disk, and after a few hours
it had rebuilt the array.  No muss, no fuss.

        Dave Ihnat
        President, DMINET Consulting, Inc.
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