> You might want to open a bugzilla with Xerox to fix the way they build their
> libraries, with PIC flags.

Done.  The second line engineer gave me the sense that it's very unlikely that 
they will implement the requested fix.  He said that Fedora and Redhat each 
account for less than 0.1% of the calls that the support line gets.  So Xerox 
very probably will not see an adequate business case for giving Fedora and 
Redhat issues any attention.

I also put in an enhancement request to have the ppd file support manual 
duplex, as the Xerox windows driver does.  Same answer.

I was also told that Xerox is getting a lot of requests for 64-bit drivers, and 
that is getting Xerox's attention, but the engineer seemed to think that won't 
happen until next year.

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