[the previous version of this was sent by mistake; I intended to "Save draft".]

> When I try to print anything out, I get no printout.  Even a test page does 
> not come out.
> But no indication of trouble shows up on the monitor, and no indication of 
> trouble on the
> printer's display.  I did download and install the driver.  cups gives no 
> hint of trouble that I
> recognize.  If I restart the system and boot up with Windows 7 home, I do get 
> printouts.
> The printer is a Xerox WorkCentre 6015ni, I'm using Fedora-18, 64-bit, and 
> the printer is
> connected to the system via usb bus.  This is a stand-alone home desktop.
> I'm neither trained nor experienced in sys. admin.  I've exhausted the help I 
> can get from
> the printer's manual (media and web site).  Any help you can give will be 
> appreciated.

The first specific "symptom" was this in "/var/log/messages":

May 13 16:26:13 c-69-138-198-76 colord: Device added: 
May 13 16:26:14 c-69-138-198-76 cupsd[625]: p11-kit: couldn't open config file: 
/root/.pkcs11/pkcs11.conf: Permission denied

This was solved by changing the permissions for "/root/" to 770 (drwxrwx---).

From this point on, Ed Greshko worked with me off-line to solve this.  The next 
symptom to appear was in "var/log/cups/errorD [21/May/2013:18:24:12 -0400] [Job 
21] Xerox_WorkCentre_6015NI: error while loading shared libraries: 
libcups.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

D [21/May/2013:18:24:12 -0400] [Job 21] Xerox_WorkCentre_6015NI: error while 
loading shared libraries: libcups.so.2: cannot open shared object file: No such 
file or directory
D [21/May/2013:18:24:12 -0400] [Job 21] Sent 0 bytes...

One probable cause was that I (probably, I don't clearly remember) used "rpm" 
rather than "yum" to install Xerox's driver.  Another part of the problem was 
that Xerox's driver used 32-bit libraries, and my system is a 64-bit system.  
This was fixed by installing the 32-bit library for "libcups.so.2":

"yum install cups-libs*i686"

I still couldn't print.  But I noticed alerts from SELinux.  The SELinux Alert 
Browser said:

SELinux has detected a problem.
The source process: xrhk2ap
Attempted this access: execmod
On this file: /usr/lib/xrhk1acl.so

The SETroubleshoot Details Window said:

SELinux is preventing xrhk2ap from execmod access on the file 
***** Plugin allow_execmod (91.4 confidence) suggests **********************

If you want to allow xrhk2ap to have execmod access on the xrhk1acl.so file
Then you need to change the label on '/usr/lib/xrhk1acl.so'
# semanage fcontext -a -t textrel_shlib_t '/usr/lib/xrhk1acl.so'
# restorecon -v '/usr/lib/xrhk1acl.so'

[... snip ...]

This was fixed by entering the two suggested commands:

semanage fcontext -a -t textrel_shlib_t '/usr/lib/xrhk1acl.so'
restorecon -v '/usr/lib/xrhk1acl.so'

This fixed the problem.  I was then able to print.

I thank Joe, Richard, and others for helping or trying to help.  I especially 
thank Ed for his help, and successfully coaching me to being able to print.


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