sorry for the high traffic.
discussed with some collegues and it seems the following is applicable:
"It's not a bug, it's a feauture!"
the attribute passwordgraceusertime is not present in the iPlanet LDAP
server or perhaps not enabled by default.

So instead of filing a bug, my question is: is it possible to somehow
not have this attribute reset?
I couldn't find anything under password policy.
Googling did not help either.
Any help is greatly appreciated!

On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:38 PM, Vincent Gerris <> wrote:
> I verified this behaviour is still present in Fedora 389 Directory Server 
> 1.2.6.
> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 3:21 PM, Vincent Gerris <> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I think I found it, it seems a bug to me.
>> With audit logging enabled, I noticed a difference in output in the
>> output log when changing for example a fax field or the password.
>> I also noticed that this is also reproducible with the 389 admin GUI.
>> What I see for example with  changing a fax number is:
>> time: 20130524143610
>> dn: uid=********,ou=********,o=*********
>> changetype: modify
>> replace: telephoneNumber
>> telephoneNumber: 1234
>> -
>> replace: modifiersname
>> modifiersname: 
>> uid=admin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot
>> -
>> replace: modifytimestamp
>> modifytimestamp: 20130524123610Z
>> -
>> When ANY modification is made where the password field is modified, I
>> see something like this:
>> time: 20130524141847
>> dn: uid=********,ou=********,o=*********
>> changetype: modify
>> delete: preferredLanguage
>> -
>> replace: userPassword
>> userPassword::somelongthingjhere*********************************************************
>>  =
>> -
>> replace: modifiersname
>> modifiersname: 
>> uid=admin,ou=administrators,ou=topologymanagement,o=netscaperoot
>> -
>> replace: modifytimestamp
>> modifytimestamp: 20130524121847Z
>> -
>> time: 20130524141847
>> dn: uid=********,ou=********,o=*********
>> changetype: modify
>> replace: passwordgraceusertime
>> passwordgraceusertime: 0
>> -
>> Note the extra time: entry.
>> Apparently, this extra time enty triggers the creation of the extra
>> changelog entry.
>> I looked on the old iPlanet server, when a password is changed there,
>> there is no second time entry.
>> Can anyone check this on a recent 389 or RH DS?
>> kind regards,
>> Vincent
>> On Fri, May 24, 2013 at 2:04 PM, Vincent Gerris <> wrote:
>>> Hi Ludwig and fellow readers,
>>> I will do that.
>>> In the mean time I did some more investigating of the access log and
>>> it seems like a bug to mee.
>>> It may be true that sometime triggers te bug, but this is what I see
>>> in the access log:
>>> [24/May/2013:12:16:48 +0200] conn=20 op=1 MOD
>>> dn="uid=********,ou=*******,o=*********"
>>> This single MOD log entry in the access log triggers 2 changelog
>>> entries with the same time step, but one with a higher numer (+1).
>>> I believe the proper behaviour of the Retro Changelog Plugin schould
>>> be that only 1 entry is made in the cn-changelog tree.
>>> We are running 9.0.0 of the Red Hat Directory Server now, perhaps this
>>> is a bug that is fixed in the mean time?
>>> I am now off to enable Audit logging and perhaps after that look with
>>> wireshark at what happens.
>>> I hope in the mean time someone can confirm this bug and maybe a solution?
>>> Thank you.
>>> Kind regards,
>>> Vincent
>>> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 3:22 PM, Ludwig Krispenz <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> On 05/23/2013 02:22 PM, Vincent Gerris wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ludwig,
>>>>> We see the same change with a different change number.
>>>>> This does not happen while using the 389-console or a tool we use to
>>>>> directly connect to the directory.
>>>>> When other integration tools are used that do no trigger a duplicate
>>>>> entry with iPlanet, they do show a duplicate entry.
>>>>> I can attach a part of the slapd access log file that records this
>>>>> activity.
>>>> maybe you can also turn on audit logging and see if there is a difference 
>>>> in
>>>> the ops from different clients
>>>>> We are planning a migration from iPlanet 5 to RH DS 9 and this came up
>>>>> yesterday.
>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>> Vincent
>>>>> On Thu, May 23, 2013 at 9:51 AM, Ludwig Krispenz <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> What do you mean by two entries - the same change duplicate with
>>>>>> different
>>>>>> change numbers or an additional change logged ?
>>>>>> Ludwig
>>>>>> On 05/23/2013 08:57 AM, Vincent Gerris wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>> We are using Red Hat Enterprise Directory Server (which is a stable
>>>>>>> 389).
>>>>>>> We have been using the retro changelog plugin from the old iPlanet
>>>>>>> server for synchronisation to other systems.
>>>>>>> Yesterday we noticed that for some reason, when an LDAP modification
>>>>>>> is made, 2 entries turn up in de changelog LDAP tree.
>>>>>>> It does not seem to happen when the 389-console client is used and a
>>>>>>> change is made directly to an account with it,
>>>>>>> but when an LDAP modify is done, while the slapd access logs shows 1
>>>>>>> modification, the changelog has two entries.
>>>>>>> This seems to be a bug.
>>>>>>> Does anyone know how to solve this?
>>>>>>> I have not found anybody having the issue and nothing in the
>>>>>>> configuration either.
>>>>>>> These duplicate entries might result in performance issues on the
>>>>>>> scripting side.
>>>>>>> Any help is greatly appreciated!
>>>>>>> Kind regards,
>>>>>>> Vincent
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