Hi, I will try to recover some folder deleted from one disk that is part of
RAID 1 using Fedora Security Lab

1. Is a disk from NAS iomega StorCenter ix2 (two disk, RAID 1)
2. this nas was configured to obtain accounts from a Active Directory users
3. with the web interface of the NAS,  a shared folder from some user was
4. this NAS haven't a recovery tool for deleted files and folders.
5. I was attach one of the two disk on Backtrack live  then the same disk
on Centos and I discover this:

- I can't mount the disk (backtrack say me "is a lvm2pv", centos ask me for
a disk format)
- Disk format: 83 Linux (with centos)
- pvscan,vgscan, lvscan don't work properly, because there are no volumes
to restore. and this is OK because I don't want to restore the RAID.

I need to recover some foldes from this disk, I don't need to reconstruct
the RAID 1.

How can a do this with FSL

I will appreciate your aids.

sincerely, Ricardo
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