Am 15.04.2013 15:50, schrieb Bill Oliver:
> On Sun, 14 Apr 2013, Thomas Cameron wrote:
>> His data and apps must not be very important to him if he won't pony up $349 
>> for a commercially supported OS.
>> It never ceases to amaze me that people will run their businesses - the 
>> thing that feeds their families and
>> employees' families - on cobbled together systems with community-supported 
>> distros.
> Small businesses use "cobbled together" infrastructure because that's all 
> they can afford.  Meeting a payroll can
> be a bitch.  Most small businesses start that way.  Some move up to where 
> they can spend lots of money for lots of
> things, some fail, and some tread water

and some of them have techs which are knowing what they are doing

honestly, most support-contracts are quite useless if they
cover only default setups and let you alone in the rain
for a infrastructure which is customized for your needs

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