On Fri, 12 Apr 2013, Mike Dwiggins wrote:
On 4/12/2013 3:01 AM, Mihamina Rakotomandimby wrote:
My problem is that I am trying to sell my Boss on Fedora! He refuses to let
us use CentOS or to pay for RHEL ( Yes cheapskate). But if I can show some
comparison to RHEL I can sell him on Fedora.
My whole shop run home servers and we all use Fedora. We just need something
from somewhere to convince him!
Mike D
Are you willing to do the constant upgrading, patching, and tinkering for a
*production* shop, knowing that the chances that *something* isn't completely
patched, or even secure approaches 1.0? Is there some brand-new something in
Fedora that you need you can't get in CentOS?
I run Fedora for my private consult business, but only because I tend to tear
everything down and run a new OS every six months anyway. I'm running Fedora
today, but might well be running Mageia next month and Mint at the end of the
But that's only six or seven boxes in one building, and I do it because I can't
help myself. In contrast, when I ran a network for a government group a few
years ago, it was all about stability and security. For that I used RHEL and
Can you tell us what your employer's problem with CentOS is?
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