On 11.04.2013 20:45, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:

> Yes the Cisco router/Tomato combination works more predictably and the
> logging works, something that DD-WRT never seemed to get right. So far
> I've set up 4 rules and they seem to do what is expected. Time will tell
> if I've got the right addresses controlled.
> Thanks to all for the help and encouragement,

dd-wrt do has its flies, true. :)
Regarding a sockets, you can use:
"netstat -a(ll) -n(umbers) -t(cp) -u(dp)…"
or simply
"less /proc/net/[ip_conntrack|nf_conntrack]"
if a router provide it via cli(ssh).
Web-GUI counterparts are "http://*router*/Status_Conntrack.asp";(dd-wrt)
and probably "http://*router*/qos-detailed.asp";(tomato)".

Bob, no problemos and good hunting on the "clouds". ;)


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