On 4/9/2013 17:46, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
> On 09/04/13 17:26, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> On 04/09/13 23:12, Bob Goodwin - Zuni, Virginia, USA wrote:
>>> >
>>> > Can anyone tell me how to block Apple iCloud in my router? I've
>>> tried filtering icloud.com as mentioned in Google but it still
>>> downloads at about 3GB per hour, a rate that would use up my month's
>>> allocation in about 8 hours! There seems to be a dearth of
>>> information on Google on the subject although it is a recognized
>>> problem.
>>> >
>>> > Presently I am forced to block all the Apple devices on my LAN. I
>>> would like to be more selective and allow them other functions,
>>> e-mail and browsing, etc. They can use the 3g/4g system for their
>>> iCloud needs.
>>> >
>>> > iCloud is really a very inefficient solution to a problem I didn't
>>> know existed until my daughter subscribed and put a half  dozen
>>> devices on it.
>>> >
>>> > Any information or suggestions will be appreciated.
>>> >
>>> >
>> http://support.apple.com/kb/ts1629
> I had not seen that page but scanning through it the most likely
> candidate is port 443 which I had seen elsewhere. However I see no
> simple way of closing that port in DD-WRT. Closing it in iptables on
> this computer wont stop iCloud to the Macs, etc. I tried blocking
> several ip addresses I found Googling but that was not enough, perhaps
> not a complete list?

Dropping 443 will also break all your other HTTPS connections.

(You probably shouldn't do that.)

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