On Wed, 2013-01-16 at 11:00 -0800, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 01/16/2013 08:42 AM, Frank McCormick wrote:
> >    Now, been there..done that. I reinstalled most of the groups I had
> > including the basic x system. No joy. It now appears the mesa drivers in
> > 18 will not run on my  (ancient - Intel 865B MB) machine. There have
> > been a bug or two reported but it seems that attitude is " buy a newer
> > machine" :)
> Don't you just love it when people try to solve a problem by throwing 
> somebody else's money at it?

Looks more like the developers (most of whom are volunteers) have simply
decided it's not a priority. Hardly the first time it's happened, nor
will it be the last.


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