On 1/11/2013 4:27 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
> Am 11.01.2013 22:20, schrieb David:
>> On 1/11/2013 3:49 PM, Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu wrote:
>>> On 2013-01-11 15:28, David wrote:
>>>> I am sure that we will miss you.  :-P
>>> It's ok. I'll be back for F19.  Or maybe I'll be gone only long enough
>>> until my need to upgrade over takes my unwillingness to kickstart a F18
>>> install.
>>> In the meantime, I'm going to sit in the corner sulking!! Hrmph!
>>> Ranbir
>> I am still not sure that I understand exactly what your problem with
>> Fedora 18 is but I do know that much changed. A never ending learning
>> curve.
> * you buy new hardware
> * you buy expensive hardware with a large amount of disks
> * you want RAID/LVM on this new machine
> * you buy expensive hardware because you plan to run it 5 years
> * you want RAID/LVM because you plan never install from scratch
> you simply can not do this by inserting a F18 install DVD without
> RTFM about kickstart because the new Anaconda is not GA ready

Hmmm.... I have read that Anaconda had problems this time. And, all due
respects to the Anaconda team, as I understand it, there are some
problems. However let me say that my systems(s) have never seen anything
that i would call anything more than a 'hick-up' or a 'glitch'. with
anything that Fedora has released sine Fedora 2. My first Fedora.

Sorry, truly sorry, for your problems. But. I would think that someone
as knowledgeable as you actually should have RTFM to install Fedora on
such fine, expensive hardware. Perhaps even RTFM *before* buying that
fine, expensive hardware.

Ya' think?

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