Am 11.01.2013 21:17, schrieb Kanwar Ranbir Sandhu:
> On 2013-01-11 12:55, Matthew Miller wrote:
>> You can do it in kickstart, but not with the UI. That didn't make it into
>> the new installer version but should be in F19 (I hope). See:
> WTF.  I love kickstart for servers, but not for a single desktop install!  
> Guess I'll be skipping F18. :(

unbelieveable that such rgressions are allowed for a GA release

i personally go so far that virtually nobody needs kickstart in
most environments like mines because servers are generally
virtualized here and new ones get cloned from a golden master

in this case dealing wit kickstart is wasted time

the currently used goldenmaster was nstalled 2008 with Fedora 9
and is pernanently upgraded until F17 now as all servers cloned from it

on a desktop system also leave me in peace with kickstart
it's not worth to spent time for it and the environment

finally this means F18 is a absolutely nogo for a fresh install
because i am even faster to install F17 and upgrade to F18
directly after that on 100 Mbit WAN as waste my time to learn
how to use kickstart which was needed the last 10 years here
or not worth the time

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