Preupgrade isn't supported any more, AFAIK.
I upgraded via yum.
Apart from the usual clean up before-hand (remove uneeded packages so less to 
download and I also uninstalled the compiled apps and recompiled them 
afterwards), run rpmconf before and after the upgrade (and look at the 
differences), fetch all repo keys before upgrade or run the distro-sync with 
--nogpgcheck, just make sure to re-enable your display manager as was 
In my case I had to '# systemctl enable lightdm.service'.

In my case (about ten days ago, IIRC) the X keyboard wasn't properly migrated. 
If it's your case just run localectl (check its options) to fix it.

Other changed configs:

If you use Google Chrome, you need to re-install it after the upgrade (I think 
it re-links with the proper libraries).

--- Em dom, 18/11/12, Christopher Svanefalk <> 

De: Christopher Svanefalk <>
Assunto: Preupgrade vs other upgrade methods, caveats?
Para: "Community support for Fedora users" <>
Data: Domingo, 18 de Novembro de 2012, 10:58

Hello everyone,
I was just wondering if there are any known downsides to upgrading via 
preupgrade, as opposed to using the more familiar upgrade methods (CD/DVD etc)? 

Christopher Svanefalkmob: +46762628251skype: csvanefalk

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