Am 18.11.2012 13:58, schrieb Christopher Svanefalk:
> I was just wondering if there are any known downsides to upgrading via 
> preupgrade, as opposed to using the more
> familiar upgrade methods (CD/DVD etc)?

read the gints for the exact version careful and you are safe
i did some hundret fedora-upgrades on all sort of machines
with yum incldudign some where productive work was done
on a KDE desktop (NOT recommended) while the update was running

anaconda/preupgrade are the same crap
both left me the few times with a lot of troubles up to non booting systems
witha yum upgrade you can verify bootloader, kernel and use
package-cleanup BEFORE reboot instead pray to a blackbox

in F18 preupgrade is replaced by something else because anaconda
is pre-alpha after the rewrite - so no do not tuch anaconda after
the intial setup

the argumentation anaconda/preupgrade are better supported because
exakt known versions is bullshit - only the target versions are known
but not the installed ones after some weeks of updates on the old
version - so the anaconda-update is NOT tested against the
installed versions starting three days after the fedora-release

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