On 14 September 2012 11:26, Bryn M. Reeves <b...@redhat.com> wrote:
> On 09/13/2012 08:56 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:

>> And, while I'm at it, when did it stop
>> being The GIMP[2]?
> I don't recall the splash screens or about box calling it "The GIMP" in
> a very long time (if ever) but the project website still lists the

2.2 splash screen and window titles say 'the GIMP', and there's a help
item 'the GIMP online'. (The about box doesn't have a program title,
it's a sort of slideshow, a title may appear eventually, but I'm not
going to sit and watch to find out.) And it is indeed the GNU image
manipulation programme.

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