On 09/13/2012 08:56 PM, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 09/13/2012 12:41 PM, Fedora User wrote:
>> People must have too much time on their hands. Add some features; maybe
>> clean up some code. But why on earth make major UI changes to a program
>> that consistently did exactly what it was supposed to do exactly as it
>> was supposed to do it - - - and now doesn't. Ugh!
> Probably for the same reason they did pretty much the same thing to 
> Gnome 3: it's new, therefor it must be better.

What is it that you don't like in the new GIMP? For me the single window
interface is far preferable to the old lets-hunt-around-the-workspace
mode and it's optional if you do prefer the free-floating layout.

> is by substituting the name of the File System ChecKer for it, as in, 
> "Why did they fsck with GIMP."  And, while I'm at it, when did it stop 
> being The GIMP[2]?

I don't recall the splash screens or about box calling it "The GIMP" in
a very long time (if ever) but the project website still lists the
expansion as "GIMP is the GNU Image Manipulation Program." (side-note:
GIMP predates Gnome - GTK was originally the GIMP toolkit).


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