On Tue, 2012-08-21 at 15:27 -0500, Aaron Konstam wrote:
> Theree seems to be general agreement if you don't include the CTRL key
> only a snapshopt is genrqated the function is not executed.

Depends on your user interface...  If you're using something like Gnome,
it's assigned its own function to ALT and PrintScreen (to screengrab the
current active window), versus PrintScreen (by itself, to screengrab the
whole desktop).  

Whereas, at a basic text-only console, it may be ignoring presses of the
PrintScreen/SystemRequest key, and pass it along, for something else to
deal with.

The same goes for other hotkeys.  Outside of Gnome, for instance, you
can switch between terminals simply by pressing ALT and one of the
Function keys.  Inside Gnome, it's using those key combinations for its
own purposes, so another key sequence is used.  Again, adding CTRL to
it, does the job.

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