On 08/20/2012 12:55 PM, Aaron Konstam wrote:
It is hard to know where to start with the problems with the use of the
SysReg key.. Since acording to the Wikipedia notes in order to get these
Magic SysReg features to work you have tp add the Ctrl button. So to
reboot you would have to use the Ctrl+Alt+SysReg+ b button. On my
workstation Keyboard this is nearly impossible to do because of the
position of the SysReg key in the upper right corner of the keyboard.
On my laptop where I can hit the keys the function fails to work.
Without the Ctrl all you get is screen shots which I do get.

With the alternate approach  of:
echo key > /proc/sysreq-trigger the reboot works but I can't detect
anything else working.

So how does one use these magic keys ?

I can't speak for anybody else, but when I've experimented with it, I used both hands.
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