On 20 August 2012 21:24, Aaron Konstam <akons...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
>> I can't speak for anybody else, but when I've experimented with it, I
>> used both hands.
> Ok, it can be reached when you use both hands but it still does not work
> for me. Does it matter which Ctrl key you use?
Offtopic: Almost 20 years ago one of my friends used to teach
computing to 10 year olds (DOS days). When he was trying to teach how
to do CTRL-ALT-DEL, he fell off laughing when one of his students held
CTRL using one finger on one hand, ALT using an other finger on the
other hand and then hit the ALT using his nose...

Try that method in doubt. :)

(Hint, if it's a laptop, you might have to use the so-called function key)

Hakan (m1fcj) - http://www.hititgunesi.org
"What part of 'ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn'
don't you understand?"
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