On Fri, Jul 20, 2012 at 10:18 PM, Veeti Paananen
<veeti.paana...@rojekti.fi> wrote:
> That may sound incredibly pedantic and petty to complain about, but
> these sort of seemingly small inconsistencies and problems pile up to
> build a really visually displeasing UI. And that's not all: they can
> also pose real usability issues.
> A good example of this is the file tree in IntelliJ IDEA, a Java IDE
> that I have the pleasure of using on a daily basis. Whenever I
> right-click a file for more options, the underlying filename doesn't get
> highlighted with a blue background like you would expect it to: this
> always leaves me wondering if I selected the right item or not.

You are right, it sounds a bit like nitpicking. But be positive: How
about filing a bug report?. You know Java is open source and GPL since
late 2006. With OpenJDK 7 being the Java 7 reference implementation,
many if not all bugfixes end up both on the freeware JRE/JDK and
OpenJDK as well.

I´m telling you this because one issue that you mention (file
requesters) is finally fixed in OpenJDK 7, as mentioned here:

A prettier JFileChooser for Swing's GTK look and feel

"I solved the problem contributing to the JDK 7: The
java.awt.FileDialog uses now native GTK file chooser on linux distros

...so hopefully things can only improve moving forward...


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