On Fri, 2012-07-20 at 11:07 -0700, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 07/20/2012 05:25 AM, Tim wrote:
> > Whether that be Java, or Flash, or anything else.  It seems far too
> > common that a programmer would not care that their program is
> > ridiculously inefficient to the point that multitasking becomes nearly
> > impossible.
> Very few programmers, any more, are taught to be frugal with memory. 
> They have no idea how to control memory use and no understanding of why. 
>   Most developers use computers with lots and lots of memory for their 
> work, so they never see the results of their careless attitudes.  As 
> long as *they're* not running short of RAM, it's not a problem as far as 
> they're concerned.  And, if mere users complain, they're response is, 
> "It works for me."

This is why I'm hoping a lot of devs get a Raspberry Pi (256MB split
with the GPU, 700MHz) and run their own code on it :-)


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