On Thu, 2012-06-14 at 16:44 +0930, Tim wrote:
> The big gripe is that it's an unnecessary thing.  Also, it's not
> intuitive.  Menus should present your choices.  You shouldn't have to
> go
> right clicking, or alt-clicking on menus, trying to find *hidden*
> options.  And, you have to know that you need to do that.  It's not
> the
> sort thing that's been required with menus, anywhere, before.
> It's a crappy user interface that requires combined keyboard and
> mousing
> to use the menu.  Bad design, in general, and a nuisance for the
> one-handed.  Or any situation where you don't have a keyboard.

Yes. It doesn't work for you. Lots of people have objected, and
therefore you have poweroff back in F18. 

> Even if one could use the mouse, alone, and right click on an item,
> that's a nuisance, and ultimately unnecessary.
> On the whole, the user interface in Gnome 3 has become a painfull
> mess.
> And once more, in summary:  Unnecessary and a nuisance, 

I'm not objecting to your saying that its a bad design. I'm saying that
you need to use one of the many solutions that are available and move on
instead of bringing this up on the mailing list. 
Warm regards,
Ankur: "FranciscoD"

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