On Thu, May 17, 2012 at 10:33:00PM +0200, Reindl Harald wrote:
> i said only suspned-to-disk is unuseable if you have
> a modern machine with >= 16 GB RAM or a notebook with
> 8 RAM and slow notebook-disks
> someone may find it nice to have his previous desktop
> state, but it is NOT faster than a cold boot

I might point out that many people keep a lot of programs active--for
instance, a development IDE, several browser windows, debugger, chat
server, maybe word processor, etc.  For them, it's certainly a lot faster
to restore from a standby or hibernation state with all these programs
already loaded, active, and positioned than to reboot, then open
all their applications.

The upshot?  Everyone uses their machine differently.  What's slow for you
isn't for them.

        Dave Ihnat
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