Am 17.05.2012 22:29, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 05/17/2012 01:09 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> i live in the world where someone starts his work in the
>> morining and powers on his computer once each day and
>> have all other machines running 365/7/24
> Therefor, hibernate is wrong *for you.*  Not everybody lives in your world; 
> some people find that *for them*
> hibernate is simpler or faster than shutdown and reboot.  (As it happens, I'm 
> not one of them.)  This is yet
> another case where your way isn't the only right way.  Deal with it.

WHERE did i say that my way is the only right?

i said only suspned-to-disk is unuseable if you have
a modern machine with >= 16 GB RAM or a notebook with
8 RAM and slow notebook-disks

someone may find it nice to have his previous desktop
state, but it is NOT faster than a cold boot

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