Hi Stan,

On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 15:41, stan <gr...@q.com> wrote:
> That suggests that the problem with reading the stored configuration
> is an alsa problem.  I don't see that problem running F17 with all
> updates (my sound status always restores).  And there aren't legions of
> people on the list asking about the problem.  So it seems to be
> confined to your hardware and software combination.  You have a
> workaround, but it probably won't get fixed unless you report it.  The
> fact that the workaround works suggests this might be a timing issue
> during startup, maybe in systemd timing for bringing up subsystems?  I
> know little about systemd, but could a rule change help?  Maybe a
> dependency is missing?  Just (WA)guesses.

alsa-utils has a few systemd services:


Looking at the contents I don't see anything out of the ordinary, but
then I'm not very familiar with how systemd works either. So indeed it
might be a problem with how systemd is executing it, and maybe this
materialises itself on my hardware.

I'll take a closer look tomorrow.



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