On Mon, 16 Apr 2012 10:55:58 +0200
suvayu ali <fatkasuvayu+li...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi Stan,
> On Mon, Apr 16, 2012 at 04:29, stan <gr...@q.com> wrote:
> > In that dropdown on pavucontrol for me, the last entry is off.  If I
> > select that, pulse stops controlling the device and it reverts to
> > alsa.
> No joy. I see the same behaviour. :-/

That suggests that the problem with reading the stored configuration
is an alsa problem.  I don't see that problem running F17 with all
updates (my sound status always restores).  And there aren't legions of
people on the list asking about the problem.  So it seems to be
confined to your hardware and software combination.  You have a
workaround, but it probably won't get fixed unless you report it.  The
fact that the workaround works suggests this might be a timing issue
during startup, maybe in systemd timing for bringing up subsystems?  I
know little about systemd, but could a rule change help?  Maybe a
dependency is missing?  Just (WA)guesses.
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