Am 07.04.2012 00:03, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 04/06/2012 02:54 PM, Reindl Harald wrote:
>> if you are runnaing an MX you MUST accept incoming port 25
>> from the internet or how do you imagine you receive new mails
>> from the world?
> If you're only running an SMTP server, that's not an issue.  

wrong - your definition of server is broken
what you are speaking about is more a smtp-client

read postfix docs to get the difference between smtp_* and smtpd_*

> If, and only if you're providing POP3 or IMAP, I'd agree with you

jesus christ POP3 and IMAp has really nothing to do with
postfix and SMTP. really NOTHING

postfix doe snot speak any of them
postfix is a MTA

> In my case if I were to run a server, I'd only be using it for SMTP, 
> as my hosting company does the rest.

but the topic is not about your home machine
the topic is about a mailserver (the ones receive emails for their users)

please come back only to this thread after you realized how
email works at all (the whole life-cycle from MUA to Inbox)
including MX records/DNS

MUA -> MTA -> DNS -> MTA -> MDA -> Inbox -> Enduser

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