Am 06.04.2012 23:50, schrieb Joe Zeff:
> On 04/06/2012 02:34 PM, Ed Greshko wrote:
>> You seem to have 0 knowledge of how server to server email works.  Please do 
>> some
>> work to understand what actually transpires before you advise people.
> I'm talking about closing incoming connections from the Internet on Port 25, 
> not outbound.  Of course, depending on
> your ISP you might not be able to connect to other servers on Port 25 when 
> sending mail, but that's not what I was
> referring to.boah you still did not get it

boah - unbelieveable
you still do not understand the topic

if you are runnaing an MX you MUST accept incoming port 25
from the internet or how do you imagine you receive new mails
from the world?

there is nof if and when

BUT you have to secure your configuration that you only
accept incoming mails for domains you are resposnible
and every relay needs authentication

and not, authentication is not limited to 587
you can configure every port for smtp/tls/sasl

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