On 2012/04/01 07:42, Bruno Wolff III wrote:
On Sat, Mar 31, 2012 at 15:56:01 -0500,
Aaron Konstam <akons...@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
To make ifconfig obsolete is really weird. It sounds to me that
developers of Fedora have to much time on their hands. Next I expect
they will change the name of vi. Oh, I forgot it is now vim. Where is Ed
Joy when we need him? [He was the creator of vi, in the very beginning.]
ifconfig has been obsolete for a long time (in the sense that ip does
more stuff, not in the packaging sense).
Obsolete or not, I have macros built into my fingers that type out things
like "ifconfig eth0" when I am fishing for answers. Otherwise I hand edit
ifcfg-eth0 or its kith and kin. The GUI tool disappoints me when I try to
use it.
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