On 03/10/12 22:24, Fedora User wrote:
> since it was first introduced? For years I could harmlessly remove the
> damned thing but that is no longer really an option. 
nope ... its enougt to have ONLY this packages :

adrian@t420sev : ~ $ rpm -qa | grep pulse

/rant on

but its is true that is insane for linux that used to be so simple and
efficient to :
1. force on users choice of software! the alsa is simple and efficient
and FOR THE LOVE OF GOD what does have pulse and alsa doesn't?
2. even if the back structure is ok as functionality, the systemd tools
 are clumsy - doesn't have the simplicity of chkconfig
3. why for a tools like dbus (which basically is a systemd with
conditions) doesn't have a cli for "service" manipulation?
after a looong time i was finally be able to get rid of avahi and gvfs

by the way : why i am forced to avahi? this days a software cannot run
if it is not "auto-discovering" the net??? that's stupid!!! besides one
can see this as a security liability (if you are auto-discovering the
net so others are "auto" discovering you)

and about gvfs : ok, i can understand the gnome origins and inheritance
of some software but why do i have this process running? i remove it
from dbus and the same programs work like usual (so wasn't any need to
have gvfs process running)

and dont get me started on NetworkManager!!! are we really in need of a
SERVICE??? why an user level software is not enough? why do i need an
NM_CONTROLLED=no in simple and clear network scripts? (and of course
systemctl disable NetworkManager.service because remove is not an
option: a whole fscking system depends on NetworkManager!!!!)

/rant of

so .. i just blew off my steam ... i know that this will not have any
effect and Linux windowisation is a force one cannot fight against .. so
i am just ranting ...


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