On 2/23/2012 5:03 AM, Tim Waugh wrote:
On Tue, 2012-02-21 at 22:24 -0800, Paul Allen Newell wrote:
And, given that I
currently trying the hp-setup approach using material in the Fedora
repository (if that is the correct word), I am seeing that, as root, I
get nothing for lpinfo. And one of the suggestions in the document is to
run that to see what you get. The document doesn't address "what happens
if you can print but lpinfo/lpstat provide nothing.
I've just updated that section.  See what you think.


I appreciate your listening to this list to add more info to the debug page and see the section about what to do if lpinfo doesn't give an lp info. But I can't see from the doc (okay, its late and maybe I am tired and missing it) what to do to get lpinfo et al to work.

I think there needs to be a section of "if you used hp-setup", you need to do these other things. Yes, I know this is HP specific, but hp-setup is yum-able (is there a right word to describe "something that can be gotten through yum"?) and it seems like there is missing info about what might have fallen through the cracks.

Is this a conversation to take offline ... I am probably boring everyone who doesn't have an HP to tears.

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