On 02/10/2012 08:10 AM, don fisher wrote:
> On 02/10/12 11:15, Rick Stevens wrote:
>> On 02/10/2012 05:08 AM, don fisher wrote:
>>> On 02/10/12 08:17, Kevin Martin wrote:
>>>> On 02/09/2012 03:20 PM, don fisher wrote:
>>>>> Sorry to be back again. My mail and browser work, and I can ping as
>>>>> root. When I try to ping as a user I get:
>>>>> ping: icmp open socket: Operation not permitted
>>>>> There is probably a group that I need to add to my profile, but it
>>>>> was not obvious to me. Suggestions welcome. Is there a way to
>>>>> add groups to my account without using system-config-users?
>>>>> Where are these things documented?
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Don
>>>> Don, what are the permissions on /bin/ping (ls -al /bin/ping)? Mine
>>>> are set to 755 (-rwxr-xr-x) and ping works for me as non-root.
>>>> Kevin
>>> Yesterday I built a new system on another disk that allows ping to work
>>> as expected. My system crashed once,o a few thing must have been
>>> "disturbed". I was trying to figure out how t repair it.
>> Smells like an selinux thing. Check your logs to see if you're getting
>> AVC denials. If so, you may need to relabel.
> Rick,
> Where are the seliunx messages logged? I looked in /var/log/secure and the 
> only thing I saw was a notice of when I used sudo to
> test ping. What would I need to relabel? I am a dunce on security issues.
> Thanks
> don
if you've got strace installed you could strace the execution of the ping 
command and that should show you when it fails and why as

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