Sound stopped working after I tried a USB Sound Adapter, which
       only lit its indicator leds.

       Normally the following should produce sound from the loudspeaker.
       [root@box6 bobg]# aplay /usr/share/sounds/purple/login.wav
       ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:1018:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) unable to open slave
       aplay: main:660: audio open error: Device or resource busy

       It does not, and no sound shows on the PAVC input or output
       bars. I'm not certain of how signal moves through the sound
       circuit but it looks like it doesn't get from PA to ALSA input?

       I can feed a signal into the sound input jack and produce normal
       indications on the PAVC display and sound at the loudspeaker.

       Apparently plugging in that USB "sound adapter" switched
       something in the logic. Rebooting has not changed things? Is
       there a default conig. file somewhere?

       I've tried everything I can think of via the alsamixer display

       Everything did work normally before this.

       Also, it would be helpful if there was a way to generate a
       continuous tone or keep aplay looping continuously when messing
       with cables under the desk, etc. I have not been able to find
       anything to do that.

       Suggestions wanted, what do I do next?


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