Am 28.01.2012 17:11, schrieb Kaushik Guha:
> To Frank,Kevin,Reindl,John...Friends: I actually wanted to enable the repos. 
> list(not all),since I want to *UPGRADE* this distro Fedora16(64-bit) to 
> Fedora 17(64-bit)(due to launch in May/June 2012) without losing any
> files,applications,tools etc. until installed here now.
> I *do not intend* for a *CLEAN INSTALL* like Ubuntu distros

but why are you enable them NOW

i also never make a clean install since first day with Fedora
but enable rawhide is the road to hell

Rawhide is DVELOPMENT-TREE and update with yum can be your
samllest rpoblem, if you catch the wrong day your whole
system may not start after updates

> I am a noob you see my Friends

well, and that is why you should consider a question to the mailing
list before enable things you do not know exatcly what it does
which makes things easier as after mistake was done :-)

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