On Mon, Jan 23, 2012 at 1:58 PM, Joe Zeff <j...@zeff.us> wrote:
> On 01/23/2012 11:42 AM, Marko Vojinovic wrote:
>> I always found the output of glxgears quite confusing, to say the least.
>> If
>> you think logically --- your screen displays a picture 60 times in one
>> second,
>> and some graphics cards (like Intel) render the frames in the same rythm,
>> to
>> display the images of the gears animation 60 times per second.
> Motion Pictures are shown at 32 fps and nobody complains about flickering,
> but there are people who claim that anything less than 70 fps on their
> monitor flickers.  I've always considered them the video equivalent of the
> audiophule, who claims he can hear the difference between regular cables and
> gold ones even after a scope shows the output to be identical and he's seen
> the display of the two sine waves.

Kinda apples and oranges though. Although at a basic level, fps is
fps, with motion pictures you're seeing a "flash of light" of the
whole frame which includes motion blur. On a CRT the fps is the rate
the scan line updates the screen and there's no motion blur, which is
why you need higher FPS to make motion seem smooth and fluid.

I can see the scan line updating to about 75 Hz but it doesn't bother
me too much. 60Hz makes me motion sick. As far as audio cables, I'm
not too picky unless they're REALLY cheap.

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