On Sat, 2011-12-24 at 21:33 -0800, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 12/24/2011 07:20 PM, Mike Chambers wrote:
> > Got a new system today and got F16 up and running and it all seems to be
> > in order, cept my sound.  It works in windows with no problems, but not
> > Fedora.
> Check this thread, because one or more of the fixes might work for you: 
> http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=272403  If not, check 
> /boot/grub2/grub.cfg and see if your kernel has an initrd line.  If not, 
> that might be part of the issue; at least, it seems to have been for my 
> desktop.  And, in either event, you'll have problems with kernel updates 
> until you fix it.  HTH, HAND.

Setting permissions, restarting pulseaudio, adding myself to audio group
didn't help.  And my grub.conf does have an initrd line.  So I don't
know what else to do at this point.  Am sure there a way just have to
wait for the right fix haha.

Mike Chambers
Madisonville, KY

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