On Wed, 2011-12-14 at 19:20 -0800, Joe Zeff wrote:
> On 12/14/2011 06:04 PM, Craig White wrote:
> > How about considering the season, is it possible you can find a little
> > charity for others?
> As far as "the season" goes, I tend to agree with the late Ebeneezer 
> Scrooge.  However, Happy Hanukkah!
>   And, as far as insulting the OP, I 
> was hoping that the tinfoil hat comment would get her attention and help 
> her realize just what she sounded like.
at the point where you decided it was worthwhile to delineate which side
of the tin foil should be outside or inside, you crossed any line in
terms of showing respect and merely wanted to try your hand at comedic
insults. It seems disingenuous to suggest at this point that you had any
concern for her well being but I haven't given up on you learning some
humanity and humility.

I don't understand why people can't find other outlets for this
hostility and recognize that this really isn't the place for it.


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