Re: Screensaver takes too much time to fade-out the previous pix, but...
Re: "RE: F14 login fails on backup copy; gdm error?"

    "Joe Zeff" <> 

"Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof.  What evidence do you 
have that strangers have targeted your machine and repeatedly trashed 

The evidence is in this 5-inch stake of evidence, and in this box beside
the tower.. which proves that they destroyed a lot of my property, and
proves that psychotic-humans destroyed their greatest scientist yet...  

"What have you done to make your computer either an easier or harder 

Everything I could understand, in the many Linux forums...

"Have you disabled either your firewall or SELinux?"


"Do you have the ssh daemon active?"

I don't even know what an "ssh" is...
I'm trying to wake people up to the fact that it's time to start caring
for this planet..  I just needs a computer that does the things I needs
it to do..  Most of my spare time should be spent figuring ways to stop
humanity from destroying its planet and itself, so baby humanity can
have a healthy place to live...  I don't want to learn the guts of
Linux..  I just wants to do the mowse and keyboard, and have the box do
the rest.. but these glitches force me to have to learn more and more of
the system's systems, to try to correct errors and omissions..  I don't
have the time and strengths to learn it all.. I have thousands of
projects to finish, start, and finish, but only a couple years to do it
all in..  Is that an "ssh"..?

" you allow root logins?"

No..  I run in root only when updating this hd's OS..
I pull the Internet wire when I'm not using the Internet, because the
Net is so very full of kooks, bullies, and psychotics, who have their
libido-shaking fun, making everything a mess for everyone else.. so I do
my updating of my private hd's on a secret IP, on the other-side of
town...  because this IP isn't secure.. The g'rillas get into it through
weaknesses in FireFox.. but this last OS-install, I finds the hd didn't
get fully erased, so I suppose the kooks somehow got into the OS harder
than usual..  It's their loss..  I was gonna build engines for flying
cars, and for extreme space-craft..  I was gonna obsolete "Fire", and
make burning illegal, except for permit-holding licensed history buff
enthusiasts, to clean-up our planet's air, so it doesn't stink and sting
in my nostrils on every breath...

Is FireFox encrypted in an encrypted Fedora-OS..?

-- - mmm... Fastmail...

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