On Friday 11 November 2011 18:44:31 Miguel Cardenas wrote:
> I've download Fedora 16 to install in onto my new notebook that comes with
> no dvd drive... so I used liveusb to create a bootable USB with the ISO...
> It starts the installation but then it says it does not detect a DVD drive
> and it starts to install slowly via internet, so what is the case of
> generate the USB with the installation disk? Or what should I do so it
> installs from the USB?

You probably want the Live CD iso instead of the full DVD iso or the 
netinstall iso.

Download a Live CD iso (it's about 700 MB in size, so you won't have problems 
with vfat filesystem), and create a bootable USB from that.

Then you boot into the Live environment, and once there click on the "install 
to hard disk" icon (there is one at least in KDE version of the Live CD).

I just did it, and it worked perfectly, without using any network, of course. 
It took just a couple of minutes to complete (essentially the time it takes to 
copy 700 MB from USB to a hard drive...).

HTH :-)

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